Monday, November 15, 2010
Julius Caesar/ Fall of the Roman Republic 1453
I am going to now interveiw Julius Caeser.
Q:How do you feel is your responsibility of the Roman Republic.
A: I do not feel that I was responsible, it was the people.
Q: Thank You for your time.
A: yes.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Constantine the Great
Constantine I, also called Constantine the Great, was the first Roman emperor who called himself a Christian. Constantine's Latin name was Flavius Valerius Constantinus.
The church declared him a Saint. Historians call him an evil man, who used religion merely as a means to an end. Take your pick.
As Roman Emperor, Constantine became ruler of a declining empire. Because of the massive persecution of the Christians, Christianity was a sensitive political issue in his days.
Constantine completely re-defined the Christian faith by claiming himself and his state to be Christian.
Constantine completely re-defined the Christian faith by claiming himself and his state to be Christian.
When Columbus leaves Spain...what happens? 1492
Hello Kathrin Willard here intrveiwng Cristopher Columbus about his journey when he leaves Spain, we all know our story, but have you heard his? Now up close and personal with the "Big Man" himself Christopher Columbus.
K.W. Hi Chris how are you doing?
C.C. I'm doing well and yourself?
K.W. Good, good. Now for the important stuff how was it that you decided that you wanted to leave Spain?
C.C. Well, it was mostly because of I needed to get trade.
Q: What did you need?
A: I needed new food, and coal.
Q: Did you not have these goods in Spain?
A: We did, but I also needed a break and I wanted to discover new materials.
Q: Thank you for your time and effort.
A: You are welcome.
Charlemange the Great 764-814
Hello everyone that is following my interviews. Today we are going to talk to the one and only Charlamange the Great.
Q: How does it feel to be rulre of all Europe?
A: It is very challenging, but it was also rewarding.
Q: Really how so?
A: Well, it was that it I loved when we had to conquor people. I loved it.
Q: How do you think your rule turned out?
A: I think that it was great that it why I am called Great.
Q: Not humble are we. Thank you for your time.
The Crusades 1076
Hello everyone today I am going to interveiw one of the very first popes; Pope Urban II.
Q: This is the burning question, what was going through your head when you declared war.
A: Well, I felt in my heart that Jerusulum belongs to us.
Q: That is a good answer, but how have you thought about how it conflicts with your religon.
A: That was a tough desision, but I prayedand I felt that it was the right descision.
Q:Thank you for your time.
The Break Between the East and West Church 1054
Hi their everyone this is Kathrin Willard. I am interveiwing the two people who are held responsible for The Great Schism. The term Great Schism is used to refer to the two major events in the history of Christianity: the division between the Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Roman). During the time 1378 - 1417 during which the Western church had first popes. I am going to interview Pope Leo IX.
Q: What exactly was the Great Schism.
A: It was a fight for the Holy Land.
Q: How did you feel about being a preist and declaring war?
A: Well, this took a lot of thought. I think it was a a good desision because it was a fight against the Holy Land, which I beleive belongs to us.
Q: Thank you for your time.
A:No problem.
Magna Carta 1215
Today I am going to interveiw King John of England.
Q: What exactly is the Magna Carta?
A: It is a document that I was forced to sign because it reduced my power as a ruler.
Q: Oh, I'm sorry. Whatb exactly was the purpose of the Magna Carta?
A: Besides something to make my life miserable, it was a document that made me govern the old English laws that had did not count anymore before the Normans came.It was a collection of 37 English laws - some copied, some recollected, some old and some new. It demonstrated that the power of the king could be limited by a written grant.
Q: How do you handle this? It sounds awful.
A: It was, I was so upset. Now I am kind of grasping the concept.
Q: Thank you for answering these questions.
A: It was a pleasure.
Alexander the Great 336–323 BC
Hello everyone this is Kathrin Willard with the one and only ! Today we will ask Alexander III of Macedon otherwise known as Alexander the Great a few questions about his life as a ruler and conquer.
Q: Alxander what was it like to rule such a large country?
A: I found it to be very hard, but rewarding at the same time.
Q: Really how so?
A: Well, for anyone it would be hard and espcially for me because I was only 16 when I had to become the ruler. I think I did pretty good though.
Q: What do you feel was your greatest accomplishment?
A: I feel that it was when I tryed to bring Greek culture to the areas I conquered.
Q: Yes, you conquered a lot of countries, do you have on that was your favorite?
A: My favorite was when I conquered Asia, it felt very good that I went so far with this.
Q: That is wonderful, thank you for talking with me.
A: It was my plesaure.
Battle of Tours
Hello to everyone. Today I am going to interview Charles Martel.
Q: Hello Charles thank you for meeting with me.
A: No problem.
Q: What was the cause of the battle of tours?
A: The cause was a Muslim army trying to take over one of the Holy Lands, it was a very brutal war.
Q: That is what I heard. Can you tell me a little bit more about the battle?
A: Yes, On October 10, 732 AD, Christian forces under my leadership attacked a Muslim army . I held the post of Mayor of the Palace in the Austrasian empire which included most of modern day France, Belgium and the Netherlands along with parts of Germany. The battle is taken as a turning point in the continuing invasion of Christian lands that had been taken by the Muslims since the invention of the Muslim religion in Arabia.
Q: Wow that was some war. What would you regret most bout it?
A: Well I wouldn't say I would regret anything, but I would want to change how I treated my troops, I would have wanted to more supporting.
Q: Thank you foryour time.
A: Your welcome.
Willaim the Conqueror 1066 - 1087
Hello Readers who have been following my interviews with famous people of Europe, toady I will be interviewing William the Conqueror.
Q:William how did it feel to be crwned King of England?
A: It felt good that I was able to have control of all of England, but also I felt a wave of accomplishment, for example when I defeated King Harold, it felt pretty good.
Q: Speaking of King Harold were you to friends?
A: No we weren't considered friends, I wasn't fond of him very much.
Q: Why is that?
A:Well, it is mostly because we have been rivals for as long as I can remember and we have different ways to ruling.
Q: Yes, you have a way of ruling were you are fond of attaching serfs to property for peopel to want to own it?
A: Yes, it is true that that is what I have done, but I have good reason for that, it is because that is how are economy became good again.
Q: Thank you for answering questions for me.
A: No problem it was my plaesure to share with everyone my way of rule.
Axis Age/ Golden Age of Greece 546 to 479 B.C.
546 to 479 B.C.
Hello everyone! Today I will interview on of the townspeople of Greece to ask them about how they prospered during the Golden Age of Greece.
Q: How do you feel that Greece changed generally during the Golden Age?
A: It seemed that it became a more happy place and everyone seems to be just enjoying this time of great wealth.
Q: How did education play a part in this?
A: Education played a part in this because the scholars like Plato, Aristotle, and Pericles had all these different theories on math, science, and politics, so I think that alot of people tried to get to have a better education, if not for them for their kids.
Q: How was the govement?
A: the goverment was direct democracy, which was a nice change, that we were aloud to help choose the leader. Also the leaders of this time were trying to add scholars theories to the goverment.
Q: What was your favorite part of the Golden Age?
A: My favorite part was the inventions that were being made. I loved finding out what new posibilities their are.
Q: Did you have a favorite invention?
A: My favorite invention was actually theater. I loved watching plays the whole idea is so facinating to me.
Q: that is so nice, well tahnk you for answering questions for me.
A: No problem, it was my pleasure.
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