Sunday, November 14, 2010

Magna Carta 1215

Today I am going to interveiw King John of England.
Q: What exactly is the Magna Carta?
A: It  is a document that I was forced to sign because it reduced my power as a ruler.
Q: Oh, I'm sorry. Whatb exactly was the purpose of the Magna Carta?
A: Besides something to make my life miserable, it was a document  that made me  govern the old English laws that had did not count anymore before the Normans came.It was a collection of 37 English laws - some copied, some recollected, some old and some new. It demonstrated that the power of the king could be limited by a written grant.
Q: How do you handle this? It sounds awful.
A: It was, I was so upset. Now I am kind of grasping the concept.
Q: Thank you for answering these questions.
A: It was a pleasure.

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